Your photo and story has now become part of the COVID-19 archive at Dorset History Centre, and Bridport Museum for use by current and future generations as a lasting record of these unique times.
Please don’t let this be a one-off visit! The more photos and stories that are submitted the more interesting and varied this project becomes. So please have a dig back through any photos that you may have taken since lockdown started and also keep the project in mind while you are either at home or out and about in the coming weeks.
A selection of submitted photos will be added regularly to our Instagram page (and will also appear on our Facebook page) and will be added to the gallery on this website. Sometimes photos will be added on the day when they come in but we may group particular ideas or themes together so it may be that your photo appears sometime after it is submitted.
Due to the number of submissions not all submitted photos will be publicly visible on our Instagram page or website. However, if you would like your photos to be publicly visible now, you can use #bridportlockdown on Instagram. All photos with that tag will appear on the bridportlockdown hashtag search on Instagram which we follow.